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Barrow Hill Academy

Barrow Hill Academy


Our Local Governing Body is composed of Parent Governors (parents of children who attend the school) and Co-opted Governors (members of the local community or people with skills and experience in particular areas) and staff members. Over an academic year, our Local Governing Body meets half-termly to oversee, scrutinise and challenge on all aspects relating to the function of our school.

Our schools also have Lead Governors responsible for overseeing specific areas of the school.

Our Lead Governors are:

Frances Green– Safeguarding

Nicola Bradley – Vulnerable Groups (including Pupil Premium) and SEND   

School Governors 2024-2025

The following table outlines our current Governors:

Name Date of appointment Term of office from - to Governor Type Business or Pecuniary Interests Declared 2024-2025
Nicola Bradley 01/12/2024 01/12/2024 – 30/11/2028 Co-opted N/A
Kate Caulfield 01/12/2024 01/12/2024 – 30/11/2028 Co-opted Other governance role - Chesterfield Borough Council
Frances Green 01/12/2024 01/12/2024 – 30/11/2028


Vice Chair of LGB

Jean Innes 01/12/2024 01/12/2024 – 30/11/2028 Co-opted Councillor - Derbyshire County Council
Keeley Leather 01/12/2024 01/12/2024 – 30/11/2028 Staff N/A
Michelle Madders 01/12/2024 01/12/2024 – 30/11/2028


Chair of LGB

Gareth Sellers 01/12/2024 01/12/2024 – 30/11/2028 Parent N/A
Rebecca Swift 01/12/2024 01/12/2024 – 30/11/2028 Staff N/A

Attendance at Governance Body Meetings (2023/2024) – last academic year

Governor Name 21/09/2023 16/11/2023 01/02/2024 09/05/2024 11/07/2024
Nicola Bradley N N Y Y Y
Andrew Crowther Y Y Y N Y
Kate Caulfield N/A N/A N/A N N
Frances Green Y Y Y Y Y
Martin Hibbert N Y N N N
Jean Innes N/A N/A N/A N Y
Tonicha Kershaw Y N Y N N
Michelle Madders N Y Y Y Y
Louise Speed Y Y Y Y Y

The Chair of the Local Governing Body is Mrs Michelle Madders and can be contacted by email 

Complaints regarding the school are to follow the Trust Complaints procedure Link MLT Statutory Information – Complaints Procedure and should not be made directly to the Chair of Governors.

Further information can be found on our Trust Governance page: Our Governance – Minerva Learning Trust

Get in touch


Station Road, Barrow Hill, Chesterfield, Derbyshire. S43 2PG


01246 472494